To practise the filming aspect of creating my product I filmed a short sequence. This was to understand composition and framing, cutting and mise en scene, but it also provided practise using editing software as well.

The plan was to place the camera quickly, and get all of the filming as quickly as possible because we were only allocated 1 hour to plan and produce this little clip, that was not long at all...

The problems I would say were with this are that its pace is a little quick, and the camera is shaky. I think I have got the composition of the shots looking correct, heads are not cut off the frame and what I am trying to portray is quite clear. To improve I would make the shots last a little longer, try and reduce the wind sounds and make the camera more stable. For my real product a tripod will be used to make it stable so that wont be a problem. Camera angles are simple and straight to the point, mostly mid-shots and close up shots to find connections between the characters and to capture facial expressions so the viewer can see the emotion portrayed. You get the feel the characters are waiting for something and then are finally disappointed which is what I wanted. What they were disappointed about remains a mystery! Transitions like the fade are used to suggest time has passed.

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